Let's help.

Jeff's Story


I donate my time as an Asian Hornet Hunter with The Jersey Asian Hornet Group. 

 Started volunteering because I wanted to help reduce the impact that this invasive species has on our eco system and the damage caused to the Bee and other insect populations. 

A usual session as an identifier means I will go to the area where an Asian Hornet has been reported by the public if they have not been able to take a photograph and confirm it is an Asian hornet. 

If we do have a confirmed Asian hornet sighting we will set up stations to attract the Asian hornets when we catch one we mark it with a paint pen, we then release it and track it’s direction using a compass and time it’s flight to and from the nest. This gives us a line to follow on the map and a rough distance. After we have tracked the hornets a couple of time we will move the bait station to a new location and repeat the process, we are then able to triangulate the position on a map and get a pretty good idea of the location.  

I get a sense of fulfilment in helping the environment when I'm volunteering with the group

My most memorable experience is seeing an Asian hornet at a bait station for the first time.  

I am always surprised by the Number of people who volunteer across the island in so many different roles.  

I think that the biggest myth about volunteering is that the hours may expand out of all proportion, don’t let it. Do what you can!  

If someone is thinking about volunteering my advice would be to, be passionate and enjoy it.